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At Multiply, we tell stories of faith and transformation from around the world because, better than anything else, these stories tell us (and others) who we are and why we exist. Like the story of the Gospel and the story of the Bible, these stories tell of what God is doing in the world today, and they remind us of what he is doing in our own lives. Let your own faith in Jesus be strengthened as you read & view these stories. 

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“No one wants to suck on chalk.” And with this, despite a few puzzled looks, ICOMB executive director Rudi Plett...
“Thank you, but I cannot keep them.” Janvier gazed down dejectedly at the new sandals we had just given him....
They escaped hoping to find a place where they could practice their Christian faith openly, but Pin and her husband...
“No one could stop me,” he said. “I did whatever I wanted, and what I wanted was for the world to know that no one...
“We are still trying to get out, Karim. It has been almost two months now. We tried to cross the border, but the...
A new church in Dortmund was a bold vision. The German city was known as a place where churches were in steep...
For me and my wife, Marty, the end of August marked the end of a major portion of our missionary journey. In August...
“I remember when we first interviewed him,” said Jen Schmidt, one of the leaders of the HADIME discipleship program...
Vision for Mission - November 2022
“Our church leaders sorely needed training, and we were asking God for a way to meet this need,” said Sam Arcaño,...