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At Multiply, we tell stories of faith and transformation from around the world because, better than anything else, these stories tell us (and others) who we are and why we exist. Like the story of the Gospel and the story of the Bible, these stories tell of what God is doing in the world today, and they remind us of what he is doing in our own lives. Let your own faith in Jesus be strengthened as you read & view these stories. 

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It was December, and we had just gone downtown with two of our fellow workers in order to do evangelism with the...
Last week, my daughter, Abbie, and I spent a couple of hours repairing some broken pottery. Mine was an earthenware...
David was shy, until he scored his first goal.
How did a Canadian couple in their sixties end up church planting and loving orphans in Ukraine?
We had been in Bang Chalong for months, and while we clearly felt God leading us to serve there, I often faced many...
What motivated you to take part in a peace camp in the Middle East?
Pastor Isaiah knew it wouldn’t be easy. Ever since he first started making trips from Thailand back into his home...
When I was in training, my church-planting coach said to me, “Marc, pastor your city and your city will become your...
She was standing alone on the side of the road in the remote hills of Myanmar. Pastor Isaiah and Moe Aung decided to...
Ahmad: My family is Kurdish. We lived in the northwest part of Syria until 2014 when we fled the country because of...
One day, while Daniel was distributing food to those in need, he met a woman named Emily. She had an injured foot, so...
I recently read the story in Acts 8:26–40 about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Philip was told to take a specific...