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At Multiply, we tell stories of faith and transformation from around the world because, better than anything else, these stories tell us (and others) who we are and why we exist. Like the story of the Gospel and the story of the Bible, these stories tell of what God is doing in the world today, and they remind us of what he is doing in our own lives. Let your own faith in Jesus be strengthened as you read & view these stories. 

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In 2000, we returned to Germany after studying for four years at Columbia Bible College in Abbotsford, BC, Canada. At...
There are two words that hang in a frame on the wall in the Baerg’s kitchen in northern Mongolia: Unfailing Love....
In 1987, an energetic young couple from Canada arrived in Austria with a desire to serve God. It was their first...
At a recent mission partnership celebration, we hosted two of our Multiply mission workers from Thailand, Jon Esau...
I recently read the story in Acts 8:26–40 about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Philip was told to take a specific...
At the end of December 2022, John Warkentin completed his active service with Multiply and entered into retirement in...
Lavern Pratt first went to Panama forty years ago. In 1981, she and her husband, Angus, were sent to Panama on an...
An Interview with Robert Mponye and Doug Hiebert
One of our global workers in Central Asia related to us this story of a passionately devout Muslim who came to faith...
I will never forget the experience in 1995 when I was gathered with 5000 mission leaders from around the world at the...
The Church is at a crossroads. Due to the changes and restrictions of the current pandemic, we are being invited to...