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Dear Friends,

As we enter further into 2024, I want to say thank you for your ongoing commitment to God’s mission of making Jesus known around the world. We are committed to working with you in sending workers to serve globally, partnering with national leaders, and helping everyday disciples to make more disciples. By God’s grace, and through much prayer, we are doing just that with you through a dynamic partnership in the Gospel.

As new opportunities and challenges emerge, I want to stay in close contact with you and invite you to consider making a financial gift to support the key mission initiatives that God has entrusted to us this year.

Yes, I want to support what God is doing through Multiply.

To be used where needed most, that the world may know Jesus!

SOAR Heartland: Local Churches on God’s Mission

Just recently, I was in Winnipeg for SOAR Heartland, our seven-day mission training program that saw 367 participants with 18 different teams engage with God’s mission in that city and beyond. I was so inspired not only to see so many local churches mobilized on mission but also to see what God was doing in the personal lives of participants as they processed their experience together in teams. There was a deep hunger for Jesus and a strong desire to see him glorified in their lives. When God is moving like that, and we are open to him and open to explore ways of working together on mission, the potential is limitless. 

“SOAR was vibrant!” one participant said afterward. “In recent times, we’ve come through some ‘locust years’ where it felt like the crop was decimated. But SOAR revealed that God was sowing many seeds during this time, and we are now seeing them sprouting up. I left deeply encouraged.”

For many of the leaders who brought teams to SOAR, the highlight was seeing their team members grow in their faith and embrace opportunities to serve. One leader said, “Every single one of my students stepped out in ways they have never before.” Another said, “It was so amazing to see so many churches and youth groups come together. Our team was really impacted by how many other Jesus-loving youth are out there!”

Your support today will fuel the vision to expand Mission Training Programs like this locally and globally.

North Africa & the Middle East: Boldness in the Face of Persecution

A few weeks ago, we received a sobering report from Nasser al’Qahtani, our Regional Team Leader for North Africa and the Middle East, telling about a man who had posed as a new believer and infiltrated one of the key indigenous house churches in a Middle Eastern country. The imposter took dozens of photos and videos of the small group of believers and then posted them online, intending to cause disruption and fear by exposing the believers to the public and to local authorities. Though the church stopped gathering for a time, as Easter approached they felt compelled to gather again and to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together. According to Nasser, God gave these believers supernatural courage and boldness, and it appears that, by the grace of God, the threat has subsided. These brothers and sisters take great risks to gather together and proclaim their hope in Jesus. We want to continue to uphold them in prayer and assure them of our support and solidarity.  

In Egypt, our key national partner just led another group of young believers through our Antioch Mission School training, this time focused on Egyptian and Sudanese youth. In a recent report about this unique training event, Nasser wrote, “From what I’m hearing, God lit a fire in their hearts and small mission teams are forming to share the Gospel and disciple new believers among the many ethnic groups in Egypt and beyond!”

The only problem at this training event was that there were 120 young people that signed up, and there was only room at the venue for a maximum of eighty. “So we’re going to have to run a second event very soon to accommodate everyone,” said Nasser, “which is a fantastic problem!”

Your partnership helps our brothers and sisters in this largely unreached region continue proclaiming the Good News of Jesus.

Myanmar and Thailand: Unprecedented Fruitfulness

Due to the ongoing political conflict in Myanmar and desperate attempts by the military to conscript young people, tens of thousands are fleeing to neighboring Thailand. This migration has allowed for an unprecedented opportunity for the Gospel and we are fully engaged in sharing the love of Jesus with these refugees and equipping them to pass on  their faith to others.

Despite the many challenges and hardships of being a marginalized people group, many of these people from Buddhist backgrounds are being transformed by the radical truth of their infinite value in God’s eyes. A team of Myanmar evangelists has been mobilized and is working in partnership with Multiply global workers Jeremy and Adrienne Penner. Together, they are hosting outreach events and Bible studies and seeking to serve the practical needs of this vulnerable population. As new believers are discipled, emerging leaders are invited into a church planting internship program, where they are equipped to share the Gospel among their own people, with some even choosing to return to war-torn Myanmar to reach their families and villages. 

We praise God that, in 2023, we saw twenty-two new churches planted through this ministry and over 8880 people make decisions to follow Jesus!

Your Mission Support Matters! 

Together, as we surrender our lives to Jesus and join him on mission, we are making a difference for eternity. We are grateful for partners like you who give generously to support God’s mission work, pray fervently for his will to be done, and serve faithfully wherever God has placed you. As we approach our May 31 fiscal year-end, our goal is to raise an additional $75,000 needed to strengthen key mission initiatives like these locally and globally. Would you consider making a special gift?

Together that the world may know Jesus!

Bruce Enns Signature
Bruce Enns
General Director

Yes, I want to support what God is doing through Multiply.

To be used where needed most, that the world may know Jesus!

View our full 2023 Global Mission Report