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At Multiply, we tell stories of faith and transformation from around the world because, better than anything else, these stories tell us (and others) who we are and why we exist. Like the story of the Gospel and the story of the Bible, these stories tell of what God is doing in the world today, and they remind us of what he is doing in our own lives. Let your own faith in Jesus be strengthened as you read & view these stories. 

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I recently returned from a trip to Malawi where we have been walking alongside the leadership of a dynamic...
When God first called us to go to Peru, we knew the task ahead would be difficult. Our small Hispanic church in...
Many of you are familiar with Yosemite National Park in California and you probably know that rock climbers gather...
Deedee’s testimony is an inspiration to me. She’s one of the young women who has been raised at the Abundant Life...
There are still almost two billion people living on the planet today that are considered unreached by the Gospel....
People from all over Central Asia send us messages with questions about Jesus. They watch our TV programs and take...
One hot Sunday afternoon in Peru during a Kids Bible Club, I had the glorified job of being the keeper of the colored...
Kora lives in a Tibetan neighborhood where she serves as a youth worker. It’s where she first encountered a Tibetan...