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Our teams worldwide are involved in specific projects that are aligned with our goal to make Jesus known. Anyone can become involved in these projects through praying, giving and serving. Which project interests you?
Our Punto Vida (Life Point) team in Mexico is sharing the love of Christ and bringing holistic healing to families...
These events provide on-site resourcing and care from our North American team to encourage them towards growth and...
Lithuanian Church camp is a place where young lives are impacted and transformed by the Gospel.
Workers in Central Asia are providing a meeting space for a local congregation and helping support those in need...
Our church-planting team in Dortmund, Germany is providing a safe, fun place for kids to play, hangout, and hear the...
Reading a Bible for the first time is often a critical turning point for people on their journey of faith in Jesus....
Multiply workers in Japan are serving alongside local churches in community outreach initiatives focused particularly...